MUMS Symphony Orchestra is a high-standard, auditioned ensemble, which has performed a long list of impressive repertoire. This includes, but is not limited to, symphonies, concertos, and large scale orchestral-choral works. The orchestra has many public concerts each term.
Manchester University Big Band is the auditioned jazz ensemble within MUMS. Big Band play both within and outside of the University, as well as at events such a society balls. The range of jazz music that Big Band performs is expansive, from classic swingers to 21st century repertoire.
MUSO is the University of Manchester's un-auditioned string ensemble. String players of any ability are welcome to join MUSO for relaxed rehearsals, affording members the space to develop their musicianship in a supportive environment. MUSO take part in numerous performances each term.
MUWO is the MUMS non-auditioned wind orchestra for wind and brass. Musicians with any level of experience are welcome to join MUWO. The wind orchestra compete annually in the National Concert Band Festival and have received many accolades, including the Platinum award.
The Manchester University Jazz Ensemble (MUJE) is a non-auditioned jazz group which runs in the style of weekly workshops and jams. It is suitable for musicians of any instrument (or voice) who want to learn more about jazz, build confidence improvising, or just to have a jam.
The Manchester University Brass Band is open to all university students in Manchester. The band is always receptive to new members, regardless of previous experience. Typically, the band perform multiple times throughout the year, as well as competing in the UniBrass competition annually.
The MUMS Opera stage one Opera per year, usually held at the start of semester 2. Students are able to audition to be a part of this opera, and it is a fantastic performance opportunity within MUMS.
The MUMS Lunchtime Concerts offer a less formal space for both soloists and groups to perform. The concerts are free to attend, and are held on Friday afternoons.
The Manchester University Chorus has two auditioned chamber choirs, as well as the chorus. These groups perform with the MUMS Symphony Orchestra with a joint concert in the Whitworth Hall each semester.
Ensembles marked with an asterisk (*) are auditioned and are only to be attended upon successful audition. More information regarding auditions can be found HERE
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
G16, Martin Harris Centre
G16, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
Cosmo Rodewald Concert Hall, Martin Harris Centre
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